
Student Learning Blogs

Project 22

This year, the two schools have embarked on a collaborative project to improve the teaching and learning of maths across both schools.

Utalising one of the newest resources, Middle Years Maths Challenges, both schools are taking the time to review current teaching strategies and how these can be further improved.

Some of the College leaders, teachers and students have observed maths classes at the primary school and how the teams plan and assess learning.

This project will continue for the rest of this year and grow into a strong partnership moving forward, as we persue continual improvement in teaching and learning practices.



Last week we had our annual Amazing Maths Race, families come together to complete against one another. Each member had a role including our Clue Collector – Hands in and collects clues at the clue stations, Clue Reader – Reads the clues to the group and the Solving...

Fire Fighters visit the Preps!

Fire Fighters visit the Preps!

On Friday morning, the Fire fighters from Unit 9, visited the Prep students to talk about how to keep safe in a fire. The Prep students climbed on board the fire truck, they listened to the loud siren and watched with excitement when the firefighters turned on their...

Annual Young Leaders Conference

Annual Young Leaders Conference

Today our school leaders began their day with a train whistle instead of the school bell. We boarded the train heading to the city for the Annual Young Leaders Conference. Taha was keen to listen to Jimmy Reeves, knowing him from TV and hearing his story. Seraj was...