
Student Learning Blogs

Student Learning Blogs

Science Week at RPPS

Science Week at RPPS

This year, Roxburgh Park Primary School is adding an exciting twist to Science Week by blending the thrill of the Olympics with the wonder of STEM....



Last week we had our annual Amazing Maths Race, families come together to complete against one another. Each member had a role including our Clue...

Fire Fighters visit the Preps!

Fire Fighters visit the Preps!

On Friday morning, the Fire fighters from Unit 9, visited the Prep students to talk about how to keep safe in a fire. The Prep students climbed on...

Annual Young Leaders Conference

Annual Young Leaders Conference

Today our school leaders began their day with a train whistle instead of the school bell. We boarded the train heading to the city for the Annual...



Roxburgh Park Primary school celebrated Book Week with Buddy reading, storytime in the Library, a class competition and culminated with a fabulous...

100 Days of School Celebration

100 Days of School Celebration

The Preps recently celebrated 100 days of learning, growing and having fun at school. We started our celebration by counting to 100 by 1s and skip...

Mothers Day – We love you!

Mothers Day – We love you!

Our Preps and their Mums spent an afternoon together to show how much they love them. We read a story about Mum and gave them a special handmade...

Tutoring Program Term 2

Tutoring Program Term 2

The Numeracy and Literacy Tutoring programs are off flying start in Term 2. New Term, New Equipment, New Students, New Learning!

Roxburgh Park Primary: Colour Run!

Roxburgh Park Primary: Colour Run!

Our whole school Colour Run was a fantastic way to finish off Term One. Students from every grade gathered on the oval and took off in waves around...

A Magical Experience at Roxy Park PS!

A Magical Experience at Roxy Park PS!

To celebrate the end of our first full year of school, the Prep and Year One students were captivated by the magical talents of Luigi Zucchini....

Grade 4 in Numeracy

Grade 4 in Numeracy

Grade 4 students have been tackling challenging and open ended tasks in numeracy this term. Students have enjoyed collaborating, solving problems...

Learning Maths – Winning Trophies

Learning Maths – Winning Trophies

At the break of dawn some of our 5/6 mathematician travelled across Melbourne to Swinbourne University to compete in the 2022 Super Powered FFL...

Bowls of Brainfood for Breakfast!

Bowls of Brainfood for Breakfast!

The prep students began their camping program with an early morning breakfast in their pyjamas. The students set their placemats and sat together as...

Interschool Lawnbowls Competition

Interschool Lawnbowls Competition

Some of grade 4 and 5 students participated in the interschool Lawn Bowls competition in November. The students had loads of fun, made connections...

Writer’s Festival Wonderland

Writer’s Festival Wonderland

Last night we were very excited to share the wonderful writers at RPPS with our Writer's Festival. It was fantastic to see so many students bringing...

Our School Library.

Our School Library.

The Gr4 Film Team made a short production about what they love about the RPPS Library with special Guest Tan Ly.

Sphero Angles Competition

Sphero Angles Competition

Our year 4 students competed in a Sphero competition this week with some amazing success. Using block coding, students program the Sphero robot to...

Grade 1/2 Olden Day Games

Grade 1/2 Olden Day Games

The grade 1/2s have been learning about olden day times. Skipping, marbles, elastics, hoola hoops and bean bags!

Project 22

Project 22

This year, the two schools have embarked on a collaborative project to improve the teaching and learning of maths across both schools. Utalising one...

Edutech 2022!

Edutech 2022!

There's not a prouder moment when students take to the stage at a national conference and share their learning and the audience is amazed. Students...

Blast at Roxburgh Park

Blast at Roxburgh Park

As the winner of the “Celebrating Cricket in Schools” category at Cricket Australia’s National Community Cricket awards, Wayne Schultz was...