
Student Learning Blogs

Sentral Login Tutorial

The main form for communication is the Parent Portal via the Sentral platform.

The portal allows families easy access to academic reports, opportunity to communicate with their children’s teachers and the ability to notify the school of absences. 

All newsletters, reminders and notices are sent out via the Portal electronically.  

Logging in for the first time? Watch this handy video: 

Some key points to help you with registering for Sentral:

  • Please keep your letters safe.
  • Once you have registered for Sentral, using the link provided in your letter, you will need to enter one of the App Compatible Keys
  • You can only link one App Compatible Key with an email address – one user only
  • App Compatible Keys are case sensitive and must be typed in exactly as they appear in your letter.
  • The App Compatible Key allows you to link your Sentral account to your children enrolled at Roxburgh Park Primary School.
  • If you cannot see your child’s details please ensure that you have entered an App Compatible Key.
  • Please use the ‘Forgot Password’ option if you forget your password. This will allow you to reset your password and regain access to Sentral.

At this point in time we recommend that you use the web-based portal as the best way of accessing Sentral.

I​f you have any problems registering your account please contact via phone or email: roxburgh.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au